
The Fallow Deer is native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe. Fallow does do not have antlers.  Fallow bucks have antlers with palmated tops.  Several points or tines grow off the palmation.  Brow tines are present on the antler.  Fallow shed their antlers each year. They are classified as a cervid, but do not come under the CWD rules.

Fallow come in several colors including chocolate, white or spotted.   All fallow has spots, but may be faint in the white or chocolate varieties.

Approximate live weight ranging from 150 pounds to 200 pounds for bucks and slightly smaller for females.  Shoulder height of a buck is approximately 34 – 38 inches.

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SCI Scoring:

  Rifle           Bow

Gold medal     235”            228 4/8”

Silver medal    210 7/8”       198 5/8”

Bronze medal  171”               153”

Hunting Package:

Trophy Fee:

Starting price is $6,900.00